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Now Available in Chinese: Ballast Water Management, Stay on Course with the Latest Insights



As the maritime industry continues to navigate current and upcoming environmental and regulatory changes, stakeholders across the industry must adapt and respond to the latest compliance challenges. Understanding and complying with ballast water management (BWM) requirements remain a major hurdle for many shipowners and operators.
随着海事行业继续应对当前和即将到来的环境和法规变化,整个行业的利益相关者必须适应并应对最新的合规性挑战。 理解和遵守压载水管理(BWM)要求仍然是许多船东和运营人的主要障碍。

In this 30-minute webinar, Jingdong Sheng, ABS Director for the Global Sustainability Center, and Evon Li, ABS Senior Engineer for the Global Sustainability Center, will provide an update on the most pressing BWM topics including delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, developing BWM plans with realistic and effective contingency measures, and the latest on biological commissioning testing requirements.
在这30分钟的网络研讨会中,ABS全球可持续发展中心总监盛敬东先生和该中心高级工程师李清慧女士将提供有关压载水管理(BWM)最紧迫主题的最新信息,包括新冠病毒大流行造成的延误 ,制定具有切实有效的应急措施的压载水管理(BWM)计划,以及最新的生物调试测试要求。

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ABS Director for the Global Sustainability Center

Jingdong Sheng serves as ABS Director for the Global Sustainability Center, responsible for the coordination of initiatives that advance innovation, technology development and safety related to sustainable shipping.



ABS Senior Engineer for the Global Sustainability Center

Evon Li serves as ABS Senior Engineer for the Global Sustainability Center, responsible for promoting environmental related services and providing guidance in support of international, national, and regional marine environmental regulations.



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