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Duration / 所要時間: 33 min 

Original Airdate / 元の放送日: September 29, 2020

Makoto Oba, ABS Business Director Japan will discuss the recently-released industry outlook, Setting the Course to Low Carbon Shipping: Pathways to Sustainable Shipping, which defines three primary fuel pathways, looks into future-proofing concepts, forecasts emissions profiles of key vessel types and identifies the gaps in current solutions to meet IMO’s sustainability goals.

Join us as we examine the impact of sustainability demands on different trades, routes and vessel designs. We’ll unpack the scenarios that we expect to see and that are possible as the industry transitions to low and zero carbon shipping.

本ウェビナーでは、ABSが発行した低炭素海運の展望レポート「Setting the Course to Low Carbon Shipping: Pathways to Sustainable Shipping」についてご説明致します。 レポートでは今後の燃料の主要針路3つを定義し、将来を見据えた開発や課題の検討、主要船種の温室効果ガス排出量予測、そして現在のソリューションとIMOの持続可能目標とのギャップの特定などを示しています。


Speakers 講演者

On-Demand / オンデマンド

Business Director

Makoto Oba, Business Director is in charge for developing various engineering and business projects. He joined ABS in 1984 and served as Manager for Yokohama Ship Engineering Department before taking current position..



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